Working Group on Public Debt (WGPD)

INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt (WGPD) was previously named as Public Debt Committee established in October 1991 based on the decision of the 35th Meeting of INTOSAI Governing Board. WGPD received its current status as a working group from the INCOSAI Meeting XIX in 2007.

The objectives of WGPD are:

  1. Preparing and publishing guidelines and other materials to be used by SAIs in order toencourage the proper reporting and sound management of public debt;
  2. Identifying and reporting to the Chair of Goal 3 Steering Committee, to Goal 3 Main Committee, to the INTOSAI Governing Board and the INCOSAI on key issues and matters to be addressed for the development of responsibilities and procedures for auditing and evaluating public debt commitments;
  3. Preparing papers examining matters related to public debt definition, reporting and auditing for their distribution and discussion during meetings of the Goal 3 Steering Committee, Goal 3 Main Committee, the INTOSAI Governing Board and the Congress;
  4. Establishing and maintaining contact, and exchange knowledge with other institutions or international organizations dealing with public debt-related matters, as well with research or study groups focusing on issues surrounding public debt; and
  5. Promoting the preparation of studies and specialized papers related to the Working Group's mandate, so as to encourage governments' proper reporting and sound public debt management.

Currently, the Chair of WGPD is SAI of Mexico and the member consists of 24 SAIs including: Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Egypt, Fiji, Finland, Gabon, Indonesia, Jordan, Korea, Lithuania, Moldova, Portugal, Russian Federation, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Yemen, and Zambia. BPK joined the WGPD on June 2011.

BPK's contribution in the WGPD can be seen from its contribution in drafting of Guide of Auditing Public Debt Management in 2011, sharing its experiences on BPK's audit experiences in auditing punlic debt  and attending various WGPD meeting. ​