Working Group on Fight against Corruption and Money Laundering (WGFACML)

Before it formally became a working group, INTOSAI Working Group on Fight against Corruption and Money Laundering (WGFACML) was established as Task Force on the Fight against Corruption and Money Laundering (FAIMLAC) in March 2003 based on the decision of the 17th International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) in Seoul. WGFACML received its current status as a working group from the INCOSAI in 2007. The chair of WGFACML is SAI of Egypt.

WGFACML aims to (i) promote international cooperation in the fight against money laundering, both among SAIs and with other international organizations; (ii) identify and share policies and strategies for combating money laundering within competencies and authorities of SAIs; and (iii) design and promote policies, strategies and actions within the international anti-money laundering legal framework of each SAI. The working group currently has 24 active members.

BPK expressed its interest in joining WGFACML and was acknowledged as a member since July 2008. In 2009, BPK hosted the 3rd Meeting of the INTOSAI WGFACML in Jakarta. BPK joined the team developing INTOSAI GOV 9160 on Enhancing Good Governance for Public Assets: Guiding Principles for Implementation (chaired by SAI of Polandia), and ISSAI 5700 on Guideline for the Audit of Corruption Prevention in Government Agencies. Both documents are scheduled for approval at the December 2016's INCOSAI.