Working Group on Key National Indicators (WGKNI)

INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators was established during the XIX INCOSAI Meeting in Mexico in 2007. It aims to promoting the role of SAIs in assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of national resources for the public welfare.

BPK was officially joins the WGKNI in 2009 with the official letter sent to SAI of Russian Federation as the Chair of the Working Group.

During its membership, BPK has hosted one meeting of the Working Group in 2014 and has actively shared the knowledge about the use of Key National Indicators in the Government of Indonesia and the role of BPK in developing those KNIs.

Currently, WGKNI has 24 SAI members, namely: Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, China, Finland,  Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Maroko, Mexico, Moldova, New Zealand, Pakistan, Polandia, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States of America, and Zambia. The Working Group also has 4 SAIs observer: Brazil, Belarus, Canada, and Kyrgyzstan