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​​World Bank

Two stages of WB's grant projects are 'Support  to BPK  for  Preparation  of  New  Strategic  Plan  Project' and 'Supporting Effectiveness Implementation of BPK's Strategic Plan'. The projects having been conducted from 2011 to 2015 have helped BPK prepare, develop, and finally issue as well as monitor effectively how BPK's 2011-2015 Strategic Plans have been running. Apart from those projects,  a program namely Scholarship  Program  for  Strengthening  Reforming Institutions  (SPIRIT) managed by the State Ministry of National Development Planning is funded by  loans from World Bank. This program has been running for the period of 2011-2015, aiming to develop an organization's capacity through human resource development, either in their managerial or technical capability in both audit and non audit. This is done by granting  degree and non-degree scholarships to study in either home or overseas universities.

Not only is  BPK the recipients of WB's assistance in the forms of grants and loans, but BPK is also the party to audit WB's grants and loans.  Since 2011 BPK has audited WB's grant and loan projects in Ministries/Agencies. In 2015, BPK audited 5 WB's projects.​
