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post_1441179719_BPK_di_Pol.jpgAs mandated by the Law 15 Year 2006 regarding the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK), in 2014 the BPK has been peer reviewed by the SAI of Poland, Najwyźsza Izba Kontroli (NIK). The report has been submitted to the BPK in April 2014. To follow up the NIK’s recommendation, the BPK conducted a discussion on the follow up plan on August 26, 2015 at the NIK’s office in Warsaw, Poland. The BPK’s delegate was headed by the Vice Chairman of the BPK, Sapto Amal Damandari, who also handed the action plan to the President of the NIK, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, after the discussion.

In this occasion, the Vice Chairman was accompanied by the BPK’s Inspector General, Mahendro Sumardjo, the Division Head of Internal Audit and Institutional Quality I, Sainem, the Division Head of Internal Audit and Institutional Quality II, Selvia Vivi Devianti, the Sub Division Head of Internal Audit and Institutional Quality I.A, Prima Liza, and a Multilateral Cooperation Staff, S. Eveline.

Based on the NIK’s peer review 2014, the BPK has fully followed up 2 out of 34 recommendations given by the NIK, indicated by the organizational change in the BPK in 2014. Those recommendations are related with the functional separation in the BPK’s Principal Inspectorate and the formulation of the audit supporting unit in the Information Technology Bureau. There are 16 strategic recommendations prioritized for the BPK to improve its performance and credibility.

Before reviewed by the NIK, Poland, the BPK had ever been reviewed by the SAI of New Zealand in 2004 and the Netherlands Court of Audit (ARK) in 2009. In each review, it was stated that the BPK’s performance has been significantly improving both internally and externally.