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BPK participated in the international activity of embracing Big Data era in the INTOSAI Working Group on Big Data (WGBD) on 17 – 19 April 2017 in Nanjing, China

The development of information technology has brought the world into the Big Data era that offers opportunities as well as challenges to the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). The needs to take the opportunities of conducting audits assisted by big data and to face the challenges of traditional audit mentality encouraged the establishment of Working Group on Big Data (WGBD) on the XXII INCOSAI in 2016. The new working group, led by The National Audit Office of the People of the Republic of China (CNAO) and co-led by Government Accountability Office of USA (GAO), set the 1st meeting on 17-19 April 2017 in Nanjing, China discussing the importance of auditing assisted by big data.

WGBD.jpgBPK, among 19 SAIs participated in the 1st Meeting of WGBD, committed to support activities carried out by the group benefitting SAIs in the Big Data era. This commitment was shared to all participants of the meeting by Mr. Agus Joko Pramono (Board Member of BPK) during his remark in the high level forum of WGBD on 18 April 2017. Mr. Agus Joko Pramono, with the remark titled 'Embracing Big Data in BPK', told about why BPK needs Big Data approaches in auditing, what BPK has been doing to prepare the Big Data era, what challenges have been faced by BPK, and the actions needed by BPK to align with the Big Data era. Along with Mr. Sun Baohou (Acting Auditor General of CNAO), Mr. Gene L Dodaro (Comptroller General of GAO), and Mr. Chaisit Trachoetham (Chairman of the State Audit Commission of Thailand), Mr. Agus Joko Pramono committed to fulfillment of WGBD's goals.

Besides valuable experiences from knowledge sharing, the meeting resulted to the draft of TOR, the Big Data projects set in the triennial Work Plan of 2017-2019, the host of annual meeting 2018, and the upcoming seminars on Challenges and Opportunities faced by SAIs in Big Data World, on How Practices of Big Data and Audit Help Promote Sustainable Development, and on Changes in Audit Management in the Era of Big Data. The involvement of BPK in WGBD have been, not only escalating its existence in the international community, but also strengthening skills to embrace new audit methodologies and standards aligning with new era of Big Data.